Vignettes of the Month
Hi there! In yesterday's post I mentioned that I would be back today with a new feature - Vignettes of the Month. I will do one of these posts close to the end of each month to share styling that has wowed me. To me, vignettes are "moments" created in a room that stand alone in their beauty and also add to the overall visual impact of the room/space.
I tend to save images of vignettes that are livable - something that I could have in my own home for the long term. I strive to set up a vignette with objects placed in a way that will always strike me with beauty when I look at them. When creating a vignette, I start with a formula - an attractive lamp, some type of pottery (like a bowl, jar or vase) and striking artwork and then build out from there. The images I save open my mind to consider moving things I already have to another spot in my house where they might look better. I hope these images inspire you in the same way.
Since this is the first month I am doing this, I will start with some oldie but goodies that I turn to time and again.
To start, I have these two images saved. They are both from the home of artist Josh Young with the artwork and styling changed over time. I love both of them and these images begin to show what is a common theme in my vignette inspiration - books! Books in vignettes speak to me!

The simplicity of the table styling with the gallery wall centered above the desk and side chair, designed by Katie Hodges Design, is a lovely moment indeed!

Little lamps are a favorite in vignettes for me too. This corner, designed by Courtney Barton, is so pretty. The inclusion of the three eclectic paintings between the windows and the garden stool under the round table bring this vignette up a notch or five.

Baskets, books, and great artwork, what more do you need? This is a design by Jennifer Koper Interior Design.

It might be stretching a bit to call this Ginny MacDonald design a vignette. I have to include it though because I love it so much. It has all of the magical elements and then some. Books, artwork, pottery, little lamp, little sconce and a lot of little treasures that add character. This space speaks to me.

Now, we will move into Vignettes really saved this month!
This one was posted by Circa Lighting and features Caughy Jones art. Simple and lovely.

Another striking vignette from Caughy Jones.

This vignette by Ray Booth Design pulls you in. It is restrained and bold at the same time (if that makes sense?!). I am a huge fan of architectural and/or unusual elements in design and this "swing shelf" with the compasses is gorgeous.

And the final one by Amber Interiors, without books or little lamps, creates quite a moment. I covet this chest.

These images make me long for our renovation to be complete so that I can take my decorative treasures and books out of moving boxes and start creating vignettes. All in good time, I must remind myself.
See you tomorrow and thank you for being here today,