Manic Monday
Hello! In my last post I wrote about (mostly) moving away from talking about the design and decor of my own home and my plans to start talking about all types of things design and decor on the blog. As part of that I listed some ideas for regular features, including "Manic Monday" where I show the images I have saved from social media and/or ripped out of magazines over the previous week. I'm starting that today! Side note, I have been singing "Manic Monday" by The Bangles in my head nonstop lol.
These are the pictures and ideas that had me excited last week! Some pertain to my house and some are just simply beautiful to me.
I saved this first one because I am always on the lookout for great paneling ideas that can be created with minimal materials.

I saved the following four images for ceiling inspiration. I do not think I have mentioned before that the ceilings in my house are all textured and I want to do away with that. This is a bone of contention with John and me because he doesn't want to go to the expense to do anything about them. I know that with the exception of the three upstairs "kid's bedrooms", every ceiling in this house will need to be touched as part of the renovation and therefore will need to be addressed in some way. So, at a minimum we will have to skim coat them, not completely smooth but cover up a great deal of the texture to blend in the incisions that were made as part of the renovation. Sorry John. Nonetheless, I really want to add an element of interest to the ceilings beyond that, particularly the peaked ceilings, so I keep looking for ideas!

source: Architectural Digest Magazine
The next two images are inspiration for styling the round copper topped table that will be placed in the connection point of our front entry, great room, circle room, and kitchen. As you know, I am a huge fan of blue and white so these speak to me!

I saved the next three images for window treatment inspiration. I love the first image of windows recessed in drywall without trim. This is a great option for a row of windows that are spaced at different distances, something that drew my eye for my own kitchen. There will be a bench that sits below three windows that are not spaced symmetrically. This would be a great way to simplify that space.

I love everything about this room!

This shower curtain rod is great inspiration for hanging drapes on corner windows.

Some small laundry room inspiration. The first one intrigued me with the vaulted ceiling and the second has such beautiful cabinetry, fancy for a laundry room, it really elevates the small space though.

This next image is from Farrow & Ball featuring the color Dimity. I used this color in the sunroom of our fourth house and I like to keep it top of mind for use as an "off-white". It is a great color.

The next few images are inspiration for the exterior of my home which, if all goes according to plan, will be painted in October. As part of the project I need to decide what the porches will look like, if I want wood garage doors, if I want round gutters and/or what lighting to use.

Now, on to the the images I saved simply because they are too beautiful not to!

I have always wanted to paint wood floors. Isn't this gorgeous?

This is my favorite of the week. I am in love with the balusters that go all the way to the ceiling. In. Love. This is also another simple paneling job.

I would love to know your favorite image too - please share it with me!
Before we part, an update on the bees I mentioned last week. Turns out they had nothing to do with the garbage, rather there is (now was) an underground nest at the end of our driveway. This photo was taken right after the treatment to elminate the nest.

As I was reviewing the images I saved from last week I noticed a trend of sorts which has given me the idea to add "On Trend Tuesday" to my lineup of (semi)regular features. I am not sure if it will show up every week, I definitely have one to share tomorrow though. See you then!
Thank you for reading today,