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Either Or?: Bathtubs

Hello! I am starting a new feature today called "Either Or?" where I will look at a particular design element and chat a bit about the options available. Today I am talking about bathtub options, particularly master bathroom stand alone tub options. There are four main options for including a tub as a fourth element in the master bath. The two most traditional are stand alone soaker tubs and built in tubs. The next two options are slightly more adventurous - a tub placed within the shower area or a tub in the center of the bathroom.

I am curious to know after you look at the pictures, which would you choose?

I will start with some images for stand alone tubs.

I love the whole vibe of this bathroom, the stone floor and brass shower combination are stunning and having a chair in the bathroom is a favorite feature of mine.

Here are some images of built in tubs to ponder.

source: from my binder archives

source: from my binder archives

source: from my binder archives

I love this little table next to the tub.

source: from my binder archives

How awesome it would be to have a fireplace in the bathroom! Talk about ambiance when taking a bath!

source: from by binder archives

This one has a copper surround - that is quite a statement!

source: from my binder archives

And do you remember this one from Library Love?

The next two are examples of a bathtub included in the shower area of the bathroom.

This next one transitions from a bathtub in the shower area to tubs in the middle of the bathroom - this has an open shower in the middle and a tub in the middle, not exactly together though.

source: from my binder archives

Here is my advice for/answers to the "Either Or" questions. For a tub that will be built in between two walls or solid sides, I would use a stand alone soaker tub if there is a window in the space so that you can easily access the window. I would opt for a completely built in tub if there is not a window because then you do not have to worry about cleaning behind the tub.

I would not have a tub in my shower area unless I really needed the tub and did not have the space available to separate the two. I love the look and idea of them, I would take practicality over looks in this case though. I would not want there to be soap and water splashed into my tub every time someone took a shower. It seems that you would have to clean the tub every time you took a shower and who has time for that!?!

If I had the space and configuration to put a tub in the center of the bathroom in some way, I would definitely consider this. It is a unique placement and definitely adds character the space. You would have to be sure your tub is quite attractive on its own though.

I would love to know your Either Or? choices!

I will be back tomorrow with a Furniture Fever post. See you then.

Thank you for stopping by today,





Hi, I’m Kerry, a true lover of all things home design.  Thank you for stopping by to check in on the journey.  Please feel free to reach out to me, I love to talk design!

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