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Either Or

Hi. Today I am looking at an Either Or choice in the bathroom, specifically if you were about to renovate your bathroom or start a new build, would you prefer Either a curb-less shower Or a shower with a curb? A curb-less shower is when the shower floor is flush with the height of the bathroom floor and a shower with a curb requires that you step over the curb to get in the shower. Our builder told us the cost between the two is virtually the same when doing a complete demo on the existing space (or new build) so ultimately it becomes a matter of choice.

I have rounded up eight Either Or choices for you to take a look at to see which, if given the chance, you would pick.

To start us off, do you prefer this curb-less shower? The mixture of veining, patterns, and textures in this bathroom is stunning.

Or this shower with a curb? I am fanning over the sconce by the mirror in this pretty bathroom.

Do you prefer this chic, brass rimmed curb-less shower?

Or this handsome arched, black trimmed curbed shower?

Do you prefer the long, narrow curb-less shower in this zen space?

Or do you prefer the long, narrow curbed shower in this calming bathroom?

What about this multiple shower head curb-less one with the long bench?

Or this one with a curb? Plenty of shower heads to go around!

Do you prefer this wall to wall stone bathroom with a curb-less shower?

photo source

Or this wall to wall plaster bathroom with a curbed shower?

Would you opt for this spacious curb-less shower and tub combination?

V Starr, photo source

Or this marble tiled curbed shower and separate tub?

Do you like this curb-less shower with matching flooring to the bathroom?

Or this bathroom with all black floors and a curbed shower?

Last choice is this curb-less shower with patterned hexagon tiles?

Or this curbed shower with a mix of subway tiles, marble tiles, and a marble baseboard following the line of the curb?

Both curbed and curb-less showers can be beautiful. I tend to favor curb-less when the design is more sleek and contemporary and I opt for a curbed shower in a bathroom with a more traditional vibe. What about you, what's your favorite?

I will be back tomorrow with January's edition of Library Love. See you there!

Thank you for stopping by today, Kerry




Hi, I’m Kerry, a true lover of all things home design.  Thank you for stopping by to check in on the journey.  Please feel free to reach out to me, I love to talk design!

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