Inspiration For My Renovation
I am really trying to discipline myself to focus on decorating and painting details rather than looking at gorgeous things that make me want to change my design in a more substantial way. I saw something this weekend that made me want to completely revise the cabinetry design for the mudroom and I forced myself to move on.
I am still contemplating the paint scenario for the stairs. In the last Inspiration For My Renovation post I remarked that I was pretty much sold on painting everything existing white. Then I saw these next two images. Do I prefer a wood banister and treads and the rest of the staircase white?

Patrick Ahearn Architect, photo source
Or everything except the banister painted white? I actually really like the contrast of this, the problem is I do not like the wood tone of my current stairs. Would the rest being white make the tone acceptable? It would be a nod to the wood tone that is currently EVERYWHERE in this house. I don't know if I could keep the existing though because I really do not like it and there doesn't seem to be a good reason to sand it all down to re-stain it. Paint seems easier and more economical. Black paint on the banister would achieve a similar look.

Kevin Cradock Builders, photo source
I have not entirely ruled out a dark color for the stairs either. If all of the walls will be white in the entry, which is the plan, it might be good to have a dark color on the stairs to break it up. The stair question will be one that is not decided until the end I fear.

Ray Booth Design, photo source
Here are the stairs currently to refresh your memory:

I have also started to contemplate lighting for the entryway and want to do something completely different than what is there now! I'm sure she was a beauty in her time, her time has passed though.

I want something textural. I want the lighting to be informal, more relaxed and casual because that is how I want people to feel when they walk into my house. A warm, easy welcome, like a hug.
Love this paper lantern. So cool and the scale of something like this would be incredible, I think.

Brady Tolbert, photo source
Something like the round one in this image from Serena and Lily would be really cool too. It comes in a larger size, thirty inches in diameter.

photo source
Here is a picture of the large one from the website:

This last one is fantastic looking. Looking up from the foyer though I think you would lose the beauty of the perspective you have when looking at it from the side. It is great inspiration though!

Adams Gerndt Design Group, photo source
Last thought about the entryway, putting aside the silliness of the chickens, dogs, and cats, I like the idea of a patterned runner. This one is too busy, more inspiration though.

photo source
These next two images reinforce my inclination to paint the walls and millwork in the library all the same color (Brewster Gray in my case).

Especially when you look at the before. The paint makes such a tremendous difference. The millwork all remains the same.

Kelly Scott Interiors, photo source
I spoke with the design lead on our project about hanging a light over the tub in the master bathroom and even with our very tall ceilings, to comply with code the light fixture could only drop about ten inches from the ceiling (unless you put the light in after inspection which I know people do all of the time). This image has me thinking about what could work. It also has me thinking it would look entirely different in my bathroom because there would be eight feet between the top of the tub and the bottom of the light fixture in my space. Something to think about though.

Adam Gerndt Design Group, photo source
I also am wondering now about centering a hanging fixture in front of the window in the master bathroom but using the center point for the entire bathroom space, not directly over the tub. Here is a (scary) picture of the bathroom currently (sorry). I like the idea of a paper lantern in this space too.

The last thing on my mind this week (it was on my mind in the last post too) is the window treatments for the master bedroom and bath. You can see the bathroom window above and here is the window in the master's sitting area:

I was intrigued by the curtains in this beautiful living room and the way they are hung between the upper window and lower doors/windows. Rather than cover up the top part of my windows, which is where my head has been, I could do something like this. It would work better with the slanted ceilings I have in both spaces like in this living room. I am a real fan of this!

Kate Marker Interiors, photo source
I will be back tomorrow with another Sixth House post, this time an update on where we stand with the renovation. See you there.
Thank you for reading today, Kerry